Tuesday, 28 May 2013


Why Muslim can't adjust with other religion's?In general Muslim kill non muslim if they are majority..In Pakistan they rape and killed Hindus and try to convert them into Islam..In Africa they killed christian? What wrong with them?
In general Muslim kill non muslim if they are majority..In Pakistan they rape and killed Hindus and try to convert them into Islam..In Africa they killed christian? What wrong with them

Sekhar Burra, Skeptic
Let me start by telling you that not all Muslims are that way (as with any other religion), the way you depicted them. But, I do understand the underlying point behind your question.

I myself had followed Islam close to 5 years (just to understand the religion and as a comparative religion study, out of curiosity). I am an atheist now, with no bias towards any specific religion.

Having said that, in Islam, I did notice that, misinterpretation of Quran is the main problem. Not that Quran itself is historically correct or fact oriented (but there are few people out there who believe it strongly as the word of God), but there are few good things that are said in there, as with any other scriptures (be it Hindu Scriptures or Bible), but it has been blatantly tweaked by preachers according to their needs.

Unlike Hinduism and other eastern religions, Islam and Christianity tries to spread their religion across the world either by conquering, luring with monetary or other benefits or with brute force (history is the fact for it).

Some Imam's try to exploit this gap in the religion (where you can understand the same sentence in two ways) and mislead the minds of the followers. Not all will succumb to their false preaches, but there are considerable amount out there, who gets influenced by these wrong preachings and put them to implementation. That is exactly what is happening today.

Couple of examples of misinterpretations in Islam (there are countless but I included only two):

1. Jihad:
Actual meaning: Fight the bad in your inner self and protect yourself from Satan
Tweaked meaning: Wage War against anyone who attacks Islam

2. Kafir:
Actual meaning: Non-believer of God (I fit in this statement ;) )
Tweaked meaning: Anybody born in a religion other than Islam


Why do people categorize all Muslims as radical extremists based on the actions of a few when Christianity and other religions also have their fair share of extremists?


I guess its because they don't see enough moderate muslims openly standing up against or condemning terrorist acts because of islam.
Maybe they do, and the media doesn't give importance to it.
But that's the real problem. When you see bunch of bad things happening in the name of a particular religion, and when even moderates from that religion don't stand up and condemn the acts (or it was not publicized even if they did), then it sets off a series of assumptions that the people of that religion are extremists.

Why don't they feel that way towards Christianity
1. Christianity is huge in america, and there are a zillion kinds of different churches, so no few christians are the same.
2. Also, if christians do commit any act of terror, we usually will see a host of more christians putting them down, sentencing them in a Christian majority country, condemning them, etc - basically not supporting the act.

That said, Christianity did go through its dark ages at one time, when most christian countries had their governments controlled by the church and there wasn't freedom of opinion. But it did eventually evolve, and things are not that way now. Hopefully, the same revolution happens (or is happening) within Islam too.

I personally know a lot of muslims as friends and hence I don't think that way, but I have met people who have a negative perception about muslims. And this is their primary thought process.


Why is violence in the name of religion associated with Islam so much more than with other major religions?
First, let me emphasize that I understand that the overwhelming majority of Muslims do not engage in violence when people say, write, or depict offensive material about Islam or Mohammed.

However, it seems that there is a minority of Muslims that is much more prone to violence when their religion or religious figures are portrayed disrespectfully. There have certainly been works that were offensive to Christians that come to mind, like "Piss Christ," which is a picture of a crucifix immersed in urine. Reportedly, a couple of people did try to vandalize the work itself, but no one attacked the creator, his home, the museums that displayed it, or, particularly, buildings and people that had no relation to it other than being of the same country; there were also efforts in the political arena to stop public support of the arts. Certainly, works are regularly published that Christian leaders take offense at and condemn, like one of Dan Brown's books, but they don't urge their followers to kill the author, and no one vandalizes buildings or attacks people.

A Muslim cleric urged his followers to kill Salmon Rushdie. A Muslim murdered a Dutch filmmaker whose work offended him. Muslims attacked Danish property after cartoons mocking Islam were published by a Danish newspaper. It isn't necessary for me to recount the violence in response to a recent film that was disrespectful of Mohammed.  Ordinary Mideastern Muslims expressed joy after the World Trade Centers were destroyed; I am unaware of people of other faiths behaving similarly when large numbers of people were murdered.  They may have been indifferent when Muslims were killed, but never joyful, that I know of.

After each of the violent responses to anti-Islam expressions, my emotional response is to think, "These people are demonstrating why they and their religion do not deserve respect," although I try to be more detached and not let those emotions dictate my thinking, and to remember that they are not representative of Muslims.
It is unquestionable that Muslims currently respond violently to insults to their religion more frequently than people of other faiths do. It is as though Islam has a small minority of adherrents who respond violently, but other faiths have an infinitessimal minority.  Why is that?

Murtaza Aliakbar, a Shia'a through and through
Several reasons:

0. The west is done with the whole "Church and State are one" business. The Muslim world isn't. There's no difference (hence "Islamic rep of Iran, Islamic rep of Pakistan) as far as they are concerned. And as a Muslim, I can understand where they are coming from. The "terrorist" activities they pursue are merely a war tactic (a kind of guerrilla war-fare may be). They believe that they are figthing for their state just like the American army fights for its state and the Israel army fights for its. Their "war on terror" is against an opposition they can't match-- and so-- suicide bombs, kidnap-murders is the way forward for them, I assume. They can't win by force, and so, I think, they try to get some attention by striking fear in minds and hearts instead. And I'm pretty sure they think that "taufeeq" and "imdaad" would come from their God (divine intervention, if you will), and that once it does, no powerful adversity would be able to stop them. It's this strong belief and the belief that they are destined to win that drives them to such level of persistence. And their ignorance leads them to think that violence is the only way to achieve the means (see #2).

1. Orthodox Muslims take the word of their Mullahs or "guides" as cent percent truth. This is exploited by organizations such as Intelligence Agencies or even rouge governments to their gain.
For instance, ISI allegedly uses jihadi groups like Laskhar-e-Taiba, Thereek-e-Taliban Pakistan, to fight a proxy wat against India in Kashmir. In Kashmir's case, the muslim militants are cited "hadees" of Mohammed (AS) titled "Gazwah-e-Hind" (fight for Hindustan/India) that goes something like 'the army that fights war in India would enter jannat (heaven) no questions asked.'

2. Muslims in countries like Pakistan and India are relatively economically backward and the only education they end up having is at the maderessas (Islamic schools). That's not bad in itself, but unfortunately most teach extremist ideals among other things concerning Islam[1]. Most westerns wonder where extremism comes into this religion of peace (Islam)? Well the answer to that is that "jihad" is one of the 5 (or 7, depending on whom you ask) pillars of Islam. And that "deed" has got to be the most misinterpreted in the history of mankind. The other 4 (or 6) are walayat (love for dhani-e-haq, the righteous men), salaat (prayers), saum (purity), zakaat (charity and such), hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca), jihad (meaning disputed, but usually means war against your own self to remain true to the sharia' or Islamic laws, and war against rouge Islamic elements).

3. Most of the Arab world feels they are not handed a fair deal by the west when dealing with the Israelis. Add that to the wars America waged against Iraq and Afghanistan, and you can incite those already emotionally charged Muslims to fight a proxy war on behalf of your organization.

4. Muslim world is full of disagreements and paradoxes. Islamic school of thoughts are at odds with one another. And followers of one will kill the others without a shade of hesitation. All in the name of religion, if their mullahs asked them to. (Riots against Ahmaddiyas in Pakistan, Sunni Shia riots in Iraq, Pakistan).

5. Clash of ideologies. The world today has by and large adopted principles/culture that are outright anti-Islamic. Gay marriage, fashion, banking system, to quote a few instances. Night club bombings in Indonesia are also a prime example of this. Jihad against such elements should be inward, against self. But most pursue the "outward" jihad, by getting rid of (killing people who support) these elements by force. Making a point, as it were. To steer the Muslims in the right direction, to send out a message.

6. Inferiority complex. Muslim nations were a super power before imperial empires of Britain, Dutch, French, Spanish and Portuguese took over and started spreading the "Christian" culture. They have been fighting a losing battle since, in terms of ability to impose cultural dominance. Hollywood and western music makes sure of west's strong hold over world culture. And hence they react in violent ways. Not to forget that Muslims have been fighting each other since the very beginning in the name of religion. And of course a few think that the world is controlled by Jews, and that every other thing is a conspiracy against the Muslims.

"For me, the different religions
are beautiful flowers from the same garden,
or they are branches of the same majestic tree.
Therefore, they are equally true,
though being received and interpreted
through human instruments equally imperfect."
-Mahatma Gandhi

[1] http://tribune.com.pk/story/1737...


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